"The Ronan Report" provides insight about the activities at the Western Maryland Health System in Cumberland, Maryland, and about the changes taking place in healthcare today from a CEO's perspective.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Trip of a Lifetime

I am finally back from a two-week vacation to Italy.  The reason for the trip started last year when my son-in-law was going through a horrific battle with cancer.  Throughout much of last year, he had close to 60 chemotherapy treatments as an inpatient and his knee and part of his femur were replaced this time last year.  It was certainly a year that we would all like to forget. Since his last chemotherapy treatment in mid November, he is doing well.  

During the course of his many treatments, Pamela suggested that after all of this is done, we needed to take a trip.  She suggested Italy, while they were thinking a week at the beach somewhere.  Pamela wanted them both to have something very special that they could look forward to and it worked.  Jessica had never been to Italy and Terrell was there the summer after graduating from VMI but doing so on a very limited budget.  Both were very excited.  So, what do we do with Lauren, who had already been to Italy when she was in high school and then with the Naval Academy Glee Club. (She actually got to sing in St. Peter’s at the Vatican on that trip).  Of course, we took her as well.  After all she had just completed ten years in uniform serving our country, it was the least that we could do!  

The trip was an overwhelming success.  Everyone had a wonderful time and I have hundreds of photos to prove it.  We saw some unbelievable places and if you haven’t had to opportunity to visit Italy, I would highly recommend it.

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