"The Ronan Report" provides insight about the activities at the Western Maryland Health System in Cumberland, Maryland, and about the changes taking place in healthcare today from a CEO's perspective.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Linchpin Characteristics

As I recently blogged, our leadership team at WMHS is reading Seth Godin's "Linchpin - Are You Indispensable."  So far, I have heard many positive comments about the book.  Seth Godin calls the stars in our organizations the linchpins; those who are indispensable, who pour themselves into their work.

From a blog entitled Coaching Excellence, they focused on the eight characteristics of linchpins for teams that you lead or coach.  The blog was shared with me and I found it very interesting.  The eight are as follows:
  1. Linchpins connect teammates with each other.  They organize team bonding activities and they mediate when problems occur.
  2. Linchpins figure out what to do next.  They are leaders who focus on what needs to be accomplished next.
  3. Linchpins are not afraid to be in the limelight.  They are comfortable receiving attention, being humble and can handle criticism.
  4. Linchpins aren't satisfied with being average.  They focus on producing for themselves and the team.
  5. Linchpins are optimistic.  They don't dwell on the negative.  They look forward to what is ahead and they visualize success.
  6. Linchpins think about failure differently.  They learn from failure.  They use it; they don't let it use them.
  7. Linchpins give their gifts.  They share their talents and never stop giving.
  8. Linchpins have been taught how to lead, but actually lead very naturally.  They know how and when to use their leadership skills with the team and it happens naturally.

Linchpins are an essential element to any team and they give that team much needed stability.  If you haven't read Linchpin, I highly recommend it.

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