"The Ronan Report" provides insight about the activities at the Western Maryland Health System in Cumberland, Maryland, and about the changes taking place in healthcare today from a CEO's perspective.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Amazing Effects of Drug Abuse

This morning I was reading an article on a Chicago radio station's website and something caught my eye.  There were a series of before and after mug shots of convicted drug abusers. The change in the appearances of each was unbelievable. Significant weight loss, facial contortions, open facial sores, aging, loss of teeth, wrinkles and hair loss were the most prevalent and in many cases over a very short period of time.  Based on the above, I would assume that crystal meth was the drug of choice with the open sores and loss of teeth.   The photos are amazing in that some of the appearances changed so dramatically in just a few months.  This is idea that health departments, colleges / universities, public safety organizations, middle and high schools, boys and girls clubs and the list goes on should be sharing with both young people and adults.  What a powerful  message!

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