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Friday, February 22, 2013

The Shooter

I recently read the article in Esquire entitled "The Shooter."  The article was based on a series of interviews with the Navy Seal who shot Osama bin Laden.  That Seal, who remains unidentified, has left the Navy after 16 years of service without any pension or health insurance.  There are no economic safeguards for any of these individuals who, on their way to every mission, never expect to return home alive.  Here is a Navy Seal who is truly a hero in every sense of the word and yet he has to remain unidentified; otherwise, he and his family will be killed.  For such heroism, there should be a fund or a foundation to support these men from a grateful nation.  Instead, he was offered the government's witness protection program where he could have given up everything to obtain a new life of driving a truck in Milwaukee.  Since he and his wife are now heading for divorce (as is the case with most Seal marriages), he had to decline or never see his children again.  After the interview with Esquire, he is now being investigated by the Department of Defense as to whether or not he broke any secrecy laws.    So much for that grateful nation.  How about taking the $25 million dollar reward money that was never awarded for the information leading to the capture or death of bin Laden and setting up a trust fund for the members of Seal Team 6?  Whenever one needs examples of how not to do something, isn't amazing that one can always find a plethora of examples from government.

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