"The Ronan Report" provides insight about the activities at the Western Maryland Health System in Cumberland, Maryland, and about the changes taking place in healthcare today from a CEO's perspective.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Advice to Fellow Leaders

Recently, I read an article on hospital CEOs sharing advice to fellow leaders.  Some of the more salient points of that article included: deeply involve the physicians in strategy and operations; be patient centered; stay mission focused; promote change and be positive.  Certainly very good advice. 

No one asked me, but I would add:  be flexible in this ever-changing industry; stay ahead of the curve; develop strategies for a more engaged medical staff; continually assess all aspects of your operation, what continues to make sense and is contributing to the success of your organization; make your employees feel valued as it not only is beneficial to them and to you, but it will positively impact patient satisfaction;  prepare for a transition from a volume focused approach to patient care to a value focused one;  promote what your organization is doing in and for the community; continually stress your economic impact on the region; make sure that you have the very best people serving your organization, if you don't make changes and lastly (at least for now) work to strengthen your influence on health and wellness throughout your community.

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