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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

An Unauthorized Biography of Congress

I saw a headline on another blog this a.m. stating that the infamous biographer, Kitty Kelly, is thinking about writing an unauthorized biography on Congress.  The idea really struck me as being a good one.  I find it amazing that the approval rating for Congress is at record lows, and yet, individual Congressional representatives are idolized.  Their individualized ratings are extremely high; but as an elected body, they are abysmal.  Kitty Kelly calls it a secret society.  Really?  I think it is pretty obvious as to what they are all about: getting re-elected.  Of recent, I am involved with a state initiative that requires federal involvement.  Every elected official who is involved doesn't care about the particulars of the outcome just the outcome and how can they use it to their benefit for re-election and self-promotion.  Maybe, if Kitty doesn't write the unauthorized biography, I will.

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