"The Ronan Report" provides insight about the activities at the Western Maryland Health System in Cumberland, Maryland, and about the changes taking place in healthcare today from a CEO's perspective.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Motorcycle Helmet Laws

Talk about an eerie coincidence, in New York the other day, there was a protest against the motorcycle helmet law.  One of the protestors, who was riding his motorcycle without a helmet, was killed when he lost control of his bike and flew over the handlebars.  He died of a head injury and according to police, he would have survived if he was wearing a helmet.  I don't ride motorcycles, but I have seen head injuries caused by helmetless motorcycle riders.  I actually saw a dead motorcyclist with his brain matter on the asphalt after a motorcycle accident; needless to say he didn't survive.  Not a whole lot of fans of repealing motorcycle helmet laws in hospitals.  Not only do we see needless brain injuries and death, but also fall victim to malpractice suits when the surviving helmetless rider just isn't the same after the accident.  In states where it is legal to ride without a helmet, the legal community tells us that someone has to be responsible so, why not doctors and hospitals.

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